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Tried searching for: ifruta
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Lists are a way to create your own collection of live streams so you can share and/or analyze the streams that matter to you.
Search Help
Search for an Account
To search for a specific account, paste their channel URL
Search a Specific Category
Keep your search specific to a certain category using the category: parameter.
Example: category:news
Search a Specific Website
Keep your search specific to a certain website using the site: parameter.
Combine Extra Attributes
Search for gender:F (F Female, M Male, G Group, T Trans)
Example: gender:F
Restrict Content Help
Restrict Content
Our goal is to index all legal content just like other search engines, but we try to filter mature content behind this Restrict Content toggle.
Enabling Resictirct Content will reduce the number of NSFW or mature streams but it is not guaranteed.
What determines Mature Content?
In most cases the information comes from the streaming platforms, but we also apply our own methods to try to improve the accuracy.
If your stream is incorrectly flagged, please message us on Twitter/X.
Restrict Content Help
You must login with an account to toggle mature content.
You must be eighteen or older to enable mature content. Some countries or regions may require your age to be older or not allow it at all.
Show Map Help
Show a Map
Instead of a list of results, you will get a map of results when you search.
This will reduce the number of results shown since not every stream shares a location. This feature is most useful in the News category.
In most cases the geolocation is based on the Country, in some cases the location is provided by the stream. When only a country name is available, the location is generally set to the capital city.